Church Essentials Click here to join our mailing list, access sermon notes, or discussion questions

Church Essentials

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  • Join us online for Digital Service at 8:30am, 10am, & 11:30am on Facebook, YouTube, or on this page
  • In person services are being held Sunday mornings at 8:30am, 10am, & 11:30am
  • Kids Ministry is available ALL services for ages nursery through 6th grade!
  • Community Youth for students 7th-12th grade meets during second service (10am) in the Upper Room. No sign in required, just drop your student(s) off upon arrival

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Message Notes

King Over All: Loving Others In A Political World- ll // 09.15.24

We all know different situations determine different responses. When life is going well, and we feel safe, our reactions will reflect that. If we are in danger, however, our reactions may be more intense since the safety net has disappeared. In our political world, where life seems crazy, how can we react in a way that honors Jesus? Come Sunday to find out!


• Mark 12:13-17 

Main Point: God is ______________

1. ____________Does Not ______________ Our Actions

2. We Can Bring ______________

  • Daniel 3:16-18
  • Ephesians 4:15

3. We Have ______________

  • Daniel 3:24-25

Discussion Questions – 09.15.24

Share with your group moments in your life where you felt pressure. How was your response? What could you have done better? 


Looking at the Shadrack Meshack, and Abednego story, take some time to reflect on what you need to do to remind yourself that God is over EVERYTHING, even when life doesn’t go our way. 

1. What stands out to you about the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in their refusal to bow to the golden image? How do you think their trust in God influenced their decision?

2. When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego said, “Even if He does not rescue us,” they still chose to obey God. What does this teach us about trusting God regardless of the outcome?

3. The three men stood firm together in their faith. How can we support one another as believers when we face similar challenges or opposition from authorities?

4. Nebuchadnezzar was eventually moved by the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and he praised God. How might our steadfast faith during trials or injustice affect others, including those in positions of power?

5. What are you doing currently to establish relationships with people who need to hear the truth you stand for?

6. What are some modern-day situations where Christians might face opposition for standing by their faith, and how can the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego encourage us to trust God in those moments?

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