We're excited for another beautiful Sunday with you! Here are some important facts you'll need to know for Sunday:
- Join us online for Digital Service at 8:30am, 10am, & 11:30am on Facebook, YouTube, or on this page
- In person services are being held Sunday mornings at 8:30am, 10am, & 11:30am
- Kids Ministry is available ALL services for ages nursery through 6th grade!
- Community Youth for students 7th-12th grade meets during second service (10am) in the Upper Room. No sign in required, just drop your student(s) off upon arrival
Message Notes
Guest Speaker // Dr. Mike Rakes // 02.16.25
This Sunday, we are honored to welcome Dr. Mike Rakes, the 5th president of Evangel University in Missouri, as our guest speaker at New Beginnings! Alongside his wife, Dr. Darla Rakes, Dr. Rakes is deeply committed to rescuing, equipping, and deploying the next generation of world changers—calling them to be salt and light in a world desperately in need of compassionate innovators.
As a leader, educator, and pastor, Dr. Rakes is engaged in the vital work of introducing Evangel University students to the power of the Holy Spirit in their everyday lives, equipping them to live with bold faith and transformative purpose. Together, he and Darla have a heart for empowering believers to walk in their God-given calling and make a lasting impact.
Discussion Questions – 02.16.25
Today, we will reflect on our sermon series, Commissioned. Look at Matthew Chapters 3 and 4 again with your group. Highlight a Scripture that has spoken to you from the last 3 weeks and share with your group why.
1. Why do you think John the Baptist’s message was so focused on repentance (3:2)? How does this message apply to us today?
2. John rebukes the Pharisees and Sadducees, calling them a "brood of vipers" (3:7). What was the issue with their approach to faith, and how can we avoid similar
3. Why do you think Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (4:1)? How does this experience prepare Him for His ministry?
4. Jesus calls His first disciples—Peter, Andrew, James, and John—and they immediately leave everything to follow Him (4:18-22). What does this teach us
about the call to discipleship?
5. Pastor Jim talked about your “sweet spot” in ministry. Have you found the place where God has called you? If so, share what that is. If not, what’s holding you back?