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Message Notes

What Does Being A Citizen Of Heaven Mean? // The Letter To Philippi // 07.28.24

As followers of Christ we call ourselves citizens of heaven. But what does that actually mean? Did you know that to be a citizen of the United States carries with it many requirements? It does. Two of which are a growing knowledge of our country and an obedience to the laws of the land. And just as being a citizen of the U.S. carries requirements so does being a citizen of heaven. In this message we will examine this and other truths of what begin a citizen of heaven is all about. See you then.

What Does Being A Citizen Of Heaven Mean?… 

•Philippians 3:12-15 

1. Citizens of heaven live by heaven’s ________. 

-Philippians 3:16

•I Corinthians 9:24-27 

2.  Citizens of heaven need _____________________ to follow.

-Philippians 3:17   

•Philippians 3:18-19 

3. Citizens bring the __________ of heaven to earth.

-Philippians 3:20-21 

Discussion Questions – 07.28.24 – The Letter To Philippi

I backed up and borrowed three verses from the previous week’s teaching so let’s include those in our opening discussion. Read Philippians 3:12-21 very slowly many times over. Write down your thoughts and questions to share with your group.  


1.In Philippians 3:12 we said: God’s plan is progress not perfection. Then in verse 13 we said: To leave the past behind. And finally in verses 13-14 we said: The future carries hope. Which is these three statements, and maybe it is all of them, really ministers to you at this time in your life? Explain 


2.In Philippians 3:15 the word perfect here means “Mature.” But Paul adds that some have a different attitude and God will reveal that to them. This simply means, everyone Christian is growing at a different point, but we are all citizens of heaven.  How would this help us/you get along better in a local church? Explain 


3. Philippians 3:17 One of the things that up-and-coming citizens need are “good mature examples” of what citizens look and act like. Because they give us a good “pattern” to emulate. Who are your mature examples that you emulate?  AND what are some of the specific patterns in them to you try to pattern in your own life?  Explain 


4. In Philippians 3:18-19 Paul gives us some bad examples to avoid following. People “Whose end is destruction.” Destruction means “waste.” They are wasting their lives.  People “Whose god is their appetite.” They live by their fleshly impulses. People “Whose glory is in their shame.” They glorify sinful actions. And finally, people “Who set their minds on earthly things.” Their minds go dark to the truth and rule of God.  BUT THEN Paul adds in verse 20, “our citizenship is in heaven.” We walk to a different set of standards. My question is, how much of a struggle is it at times to walk as a citizen of heaven and not according to the corruptible fallen world we live in.  Explain 


5. Let’s back up to finish off. In Philippians 3:16 as citizens of heaven we are to live by a standard…heaven’s standards. Now turn to I Corinthians 9:24-27 Paul is as sold out as it gets to Jesus and the spreading of the Gospel. From these verses, what was his fear? And has it ever been your fear?  (And this is a healthy fear) Explain 

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