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Men's Community

Bringing Men Together for Fellowship and Godly Wisdom

Upcoming Events

Men's Ministry Lead: Bruce Hasenyager

Ground Breaker Groups

These are interest based groups that allow a special time of fellowship with other like minded men. Each group meets once a month, and each group meets on separate weeks allowing men to join multiple groups with endless fellowship opportunities.


Group Lead: Cory Travers

Come join the Outdoorsmen as we get together and experience God's great creations...the mountains, lakes, desert and beaches. When we meet we might go fishing, shooting, hiking, surfing...and other outdoor fun! Whether you have experience or not...we want to share our love of the outdoors with you. Hope to see you soon!

Meets quarterly, days and activities vary.

Next Meeting: TBD

Location: TBD

Men's Brew

Group Leads: Paul Barnaby & Ben Cordova

We’ll discuss God's plan in our lives as men. We’ll come together over coffee and share things that only men can share with one another. As men we compartmentalize our lives…it’s automatic, we can’t let our guard down…men have to keep it all together. Our goal is to bring us together so we can share the things in life that men keep inside. God put it on our hearts to share and learn the Bible together. God doesn’t want any of us to face things in life alone. We hope to see you soon.

Meets the 2nd Saturday of every month at Hunny's in Corona

Next Meeting: April 13th at 9AM

Location: Hunny's Restaurant

Men's Study

Group Lead: Dan Magaña

We will meet monthly on Saturday mornings at various locations. We are currently looking for a new book to begin our study on, so in the mean time, please join us for a Small Group time, we will discuss Life Group questions or pick a topical study for the day.

Meets 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month at NBCC in Room 107

Next Meeting: April 6th at 8AM

Location: NBCC Campus